Every day, people across America fall victim to crimes. A majority of these incidents are “crimes of opportunity”. Crimes of opportunity are crimes that are unknowingly facilitated by the victims, such as leaving your car or home unlocked. A criminal will take advantage of these situations to deprive you of your possessions.

While Orland Hills does not have a high crime rate, some of our residents and people who visit our village have been victimized by a criminal act. Many of these incidents could have been avoided by simply locking a car door or not leaving valuables in plain sight. Some criminals will steal your possessions no matter how hard you try to safeguard them.

Following these tips may help keep your valuables in your possession:

• Always lock your car when leaving it unattended.

• Never leave your car running unattended.

• Trim back high bushes near your doors and windows.

• Turn on outside and inside lights when you’re not at home.

• Have a neighbor pick up your mail and newspapers when you are on vacation, better yet have them park in your driveway while you’re gone.

• Be creative when hiding or storing your valuables. Most people store them in the bedroom which is the favorite spot for thieves. Keep expensive jewelry in a safe or safe deposit box.

• Always record serial numbers of valuable electronics. Take photographs of them as well. It can help with an insurance claim.

• Place a “Beware of Dog” sign in your yard or window.

• Consider a home alarm system.

AND most of all be vigilant. If you see something suspicious, or people or cars that aren’t usually in the neighborhood...call the police.